a busy domestic blog of knitting, sewing and all kinds of needlecrafts, cooking my garden produce and preserving it

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Elderflower fizz - again!

 A beautiful sunny morning today so I picked some more elderflowers while out with the dog.
This is the third batch of elderflower fizz this year but it hardly takes any effort - just put  flowers, sugar, lemon peel, juice, white vinegar and water in the jam pan for 24 hours, strain and bottle. 
After that you just need to be patient and wait for the 'fizz' - about 10 - 14 days.

My greatest problem is keeping pace with the amount of bottles that are needed. I usually end up with 2 litre fizzy drinks bottles - though some need to be have the taste of the original contents cleared out with bicarbonate of soda.

 With one of my early attempts at this, I didn't stir the sugar thoroughly into the liquid so at bottling time there was a sugary sludge in the bottom of the pan which I had to portion out between the now almost filled bottles. Some ended up tasting sweeter than others.
The recipe I use comes from an old foraging book of mine, Hedgerow Harvest by Amoret Scott but it's an old traditional drink so most recipes are more or less alike.

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